الرئيسية / مقالات وتقارير / تقرير الاستيطان / Israel Continues Settlement Activities, Establishes Apartheid Regime, and the United Nations SG Provides Protection

Israel Continues Settlement Activities, Establishes Apartheid Regime, and the United Nations SG Provides Protection


By: Madeeha Araj,


The National Bureau highly appreciates the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia’s report (ESCWA), which was published on the UNs’ website, and described Israel as a State that establishes an Apartheid Regime on the Palestinian people to dominate their lives, to reflect part of their daily suffering, and to show the occupation racial practices and its apartheid policies that violate the Human Rights International Law, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 and the UNs’ Charter of 1945 as well as the 1965 International Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination.


 “The National Bureau asserted that the resignation of the Executive Secretary of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), Dr. Reema Khalaf came as a result of the awful pressures exercised by the Israeli occupation government and the US administration on the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres to withdraw the report. “


In its weekly report, the National Bureau noted that the Israeli government carried out some of its colonists schemes so as to grab more Palestinian lands, as well as the Israeli occupation Army’s Minister, Lieberman’s approval of completing the erection of the Apartheid Wall around the Beit Eil settlement that built on a Palestinian land, besides the establishment of a new settlement outpost on Al-Moghaier, Abu Falah and Kafr Malik villages’ lands near Ramallah.


Moreover, a series of Judaization measures to empower the settlement was noticed over the last week, as the Israeli occupation municipality in Jerusalem posted the detailed features of its budget for the year 2017, which is the highest ever since the occupation of the city as it reaches NIS 7.37 billion following the Israeli government agreed this year to increase the sum by NIS 700,000,000, so as celebrate the 50 years on the occupation of the city. Thus, 11,000 new housing settlement units will be built, 24 new structural schemes will be approved and 5,000,000 sq.m2 will be levelled for economic and commercial settlement projects.


Likewise Ministers of Culture, Miri Regev, and Environmental and Jerusalem Affairs, Ze’ev Elkin had an encouraging role towards Judaization activities as they announced the establishment of the “Temple Mount Fund”, which a sum of NIS 2,000,000 will be yearly allocated to it so as to promote a media campaign about the Jewish connection with the sacred site of the Temple Mount i.e. the Dome of the Rock). Moreover, the Interior Parliamentary Committee at the Israeli Knesset also continued its own sessions to enact the (Kminc) racial bill that is to amend the regulation and construction law of 1965 that aims to accelerate and facilitate the demolition of Arab houses in the occupied Green-line and Jerusalem under the pretext of being illegally built


Over the last week, the following violations were documented by the National Bureau:


  • Preliminary infrastructure works at the Beit Hanina and Shu’fat towns to expand the settlement there, as Israel began bulldozing the lands near the Ramat Shlomo settlement so as to build 100 new settlement units on 150 donums of the towns, whereas Israeli bulldozers demolished a house belonging to Qar’ain family in the Silwan town.
  • They also demolished a building under construction at the Issawiya village near the occupied belonging to Majdi Mostafa, under the pretext of being unlicensed According.
  • A Palestinian driver was attacked late last night by settlers from the Sharafat near the occupied Jerusalem,. The driver was severely beaten and was about to die. Then he was taken to a hospital. In another incident, 3 citizens including a child were also injured by settlers near the Makhmas settlement after they smashed their vehicles and stole a sum of money.
  • The Israeli occupation forces organized the Jerusalem Juadization International Marathon through throughout the Old City of Jerusalem, with the participation of Israelis and foreigners from 60 countries. The marathon aims to pass the Talmudic, Biblical version of Jerusalem, and to be organized under the title 50 years on the liberation of Jerusalem from the invaders – the 50th anniversary of the completion of occupying the 2 parts of the city in 1967.



  • Israeli occupation forces around and at the main entrance of Al-Ibrahimi Mosque downtown of Hebron prevented scores of Palestinians from reaching their homes in the Old City of Hebron under the pretext of settlers’security as they celebrate the Purim holiday.
  • A  group of settlers stormed a kindergarten in the old city of Hebron.



  • Israeli occupation forces bulldozed an agricultural land in the Beit Jala town near Bethlehem in order to expand the settlement of Gilo. Some 900 new housing units have been built in the lands of Beit Jala, Al-Walaja and Sharfat.
  • A young man was blocked and severely beaten and abused by near the Neve Daniel settlers near Al-Khader village, Bethlehem, near.


  • Settlers uprooted scores of grape seedlings and destroyed a grape orchard belonging to Nader Saleh Abd Al-Asalam in the Al-Khader town that surrounded by the Eliazar and Daniel settlements.



  • Settlers erected a new settlement outpost east of Al-Moghier village, Ramallah, and fixed caravans on Al-Tayoon Mountain near the villages of Al-Moghaier and Kufr Malik. They also put barbed wires around the caravans and paved a road to ease access to them.



  • Olive trees have been stolen by the Rahalim settlers, built on the lands of the Sawiya and Yitma villages, south of Nablus, where about 140 olive trees belonging to Haitham Kufina and Suhail Sulaiman were stolen.


  • Israeli occupation forces confiscated a caravan belonging to Tawfiq Abd Al-Rahim Haj Moh’d near the Beit Dajan village, east of Nablus. Moreover, right-wing settlers attacked the Burin Secondary Mixed School, south of Nablus and fired rubber bullets and tear gas bombs around the school.




  • Scores of settlers accompanied by Israeli occupation army officers, as well as the commander of the so-called Ephraim area stormed last week the Kefil Haris village, southwest of Nablus, in order to do their prayers at the so-called Tomb of Yosha’a Ben Noon, among the settler was Yossi Dagan, head of the so-called Nablus Area Settlements, and head of the Ariel settlement, Eli Shapiro.


  • Palestinian farmers from the Yasoof town complained of the Israeli occupation policies of preventing them from entering their land behind the wall and near the settlements. Farmers from the town said that the army has given them merely 2 days hardly enough to cultivate their lands.




  • The north-eastern side of the Azzoun-Atma village, south of Qalqilya Governorate that located behind the Apartheid Wall is exposed to a systematic Judaization campaign by the Israeli occupation authorities as they do their utmost to annex its lands to the Orinit settlement. Therefore, Israeli bulldozers started leveling the land to build a new settlement on a 100 donums of agricultural land belonging to the farmers from Azzoun-Atma, Beit Amin and Sinariya villages, so preventing them from reaching their lands.




  • The Israeli occupation authorities issued military orders to confiscate more lands from towns and villages in the Sha’arawiya area near Tulkarem city, besides the confiscation of lands from the Baqa Al-Gharbiya, Baqa Al-Sharqiya and Jeet villages. Moreover, the orders also stipulated to occupy about 142 donums from Zaita, Qafeen and Illar villages.


Worthless to say that the orders gave the Palestinian owners of those lands 7 days to submit their objection to the District Coordination and Liaison Office or the Office of the Israeli Legal Advisor on that.


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