الرئيسية / مقالات وتقارير / تقرير الاستيطان / Unprecedented Settlement Expansion, Among International Failure to Bring It to an END

Unprecedented Settlement Expansion, Among International Failure to Bring It to an END



By: Madeeha Araj


Since the beginning of the year, the West Bank, especially, East Jerusalem is witnessing an accelerated settlement assaults, the largest of which in 25 years.  Minister of Defence in Israel , Avigdor Lieberman, who said that permits for building settlements in the West Bank during the first half of this year was the highest since 1992. He pointed out that 3651 settlement units have been approved since the first week of this month, of which 671 units have been implemented soon. Since the beginning of the year 2017, the construction of 8345 settlement units has been approved and 3066 units are under construction. He added, the number of settlers in the West Bank was increased to ease the overcrowding of settlement in 1948 borders.


During his meeting with US Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, PM Netanyahu, said, the application of the Dutch-Belgian model on settlements in the Palestinian territories is a good one i.e. keeping the ‘isolated’ settlements under Israeli sovereignty, and he is interested in applying that similar to that found in small towns at the border between Belgium and the Netherlands. Netanyahu put forward such an idea at the beginning of 2014, when he held talks led by US Secretary of State then, John Kerry, on a framework agreement.  At the same time, he announced at the Knesset that he will not evacuate any settlements in any future agreement with the Palestinians, and that “everyone has the right to live in his house and not to be dismissed.”


The new bill includes allowing the movement of settlers in these settlements and surrounding roads, as well as allowing the return of settlers to these settlements, especially as they remain as they were when evacuated, and that they remained under the Israeli army control. Israeli general, Yair Naveh, who served as the “central region commander” during the implementation of the disengagement plan in 2005 and responsible for evacuating settlements in 2005, said, 12 years on evacuation proves that there is no benefit from evacuation. He said in an interview with the Israeli newspaper “Israel Today” that I support the return of settlers to the”Sanor and Homesh” settlements in the West Bank and claims that today, and that there is security and political importance for their presence there.


In previous reports, the National Bureau has pointed out that bulldozing works is continued in the evacuated settlements and they witnessed continued incursions by settlers under the protection of the occupation army. Adding, settlers stormed those areas several times during the past few weeks, as well as the settlers storming the settlement of Homesh near Nablus. This confirms the premeditated intention of the occupation army to re-control those areas.


Although the extreme statements and racist stances by the Israeli right wing, headed by Netanyahu, various Israeli media reported that the head of the Jewish house party, Naftali Bent, was working on a “strategic law” that prevents partition of Jerusalem with any foreign body in any political settlement. The Israeli draft law stipulates that the division of the city of Jerusalem into any political settlement must have a special majority of (80) Knesset members, and this majority was considered a line of defence that prevents the division of the city. The draft law that “prevent the division of Jerusalem” will be presented soon to the Israeli ministerial committee of legislation, headed by the Israeli Minister of Justice, “Ailt Shkid”, who formed the Jewish House Party, who also said that the bill will be approved by the ministerial committee for legislative affairs and the Israeli Knesset, and that the Israeli PM had previously signed a similar bill. He also called on the Israeli centrist parties to support the bill. On the same subject, Israel Haioom newspaper published the results of an Israeli public opinion poll, in which 84% of Israelis oppose any political solution in return for the existence of Old Jerusalem under the Palestinian Authority.


In his speech while marking the 50th anniversary of the settlement in the occupied Golan Heights, Israeli President, Reuven Rivlin said that the world must recognize the Golan as part of Israel. “internal debate regarding the Golan Heights is over, and the world must formally recognize the Golan Heights as an integral part of the State of Israel, and that it is essential for our existence.


The Weekly Israeli Occupation and Settlers’ Violations are as follows:





  • Settlers of Bnei Brak daily storm the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and threatened to blow it up. Moreover, the Israeli police closed the gates of Al-Aqsa under the pretext of throwing stones at settlers.




  • Israeli occupation authorities and a group of extremist settlers under the protection of Israeli forces began to survey land at Ain-Masour” area west of the Khader town, Bethlehem, to be annexed to the Daniel settlement.





  • A child was found in the settlement near the Beit-Forik town, with traces of torture and burns caused by the pouring of molten plastic on his body.


  • Cutting off the water lines east of the city of Nablus under the pretext of the lack of water pumped to the “Magdolim settlement “, depriving 50,000 people living in Palestinian communities of water.
  • 200 settlers stormed the archaeological area in the Sebastia town under the protection of the occupation forces, closing the area and preventing citizens from entering it.






  • Owners of the Red Quarries in the Sarata village, Salfit complained of the continued settlement expansion of the Burqan settlement and its industrial zone, and classifying more of the village’s lands as C areas, which prevents them from extracting the red stone. Thus, production has shrunk to less than 50%, and most quarries have stopped working. Furthermore, the Occupation Army confiscates any mechanism or bulldozer works there.



Jordan Valley:


  • A number of notices were delivered to stop work in building caravans in the Jordan Valley at Froush and Hamsa Al-Tahta areas near Beit Dajan, provided by international institutions for families as humanitarian assistance.


  • Bulldozing Palestinian land in the central valley under the pretext of searching for unauthorized water holes.


  • Informing lady, Fsza Salama Zayed from Nuweima village, north of Jericho of the demolition of her house, and the need to vacate it within the next 2 weeks. The house consists of 4 rooms and a roof of Zinco, worth mentioning that the house was recently donated by a volunteer-development organization.


  • Informing the Bedouin Ka’bneh School north of Jericho of the demolition of the school. Worth mentioning that students from various Bedouin communities of the Arab Ka’bneh are studying at the school.


  • Closing irrigation pipes near the Beit-Dajan town in the northern Jordan Valley. The “Microot” Zionist company accompanied by Israeli occupation forces bulldozed large areas of lands and closed the openings of irrigation pipes.







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