الرئيسية / تصريحات تيسير خالد / The National Rights of the Arab-Palestinian People Exceeds the two-state Solution

The National Rights of the Arab-Palestinian People Exceeds the two-state Solution

By: Tayseer Khaled
Over the last few days, people started talking about the Palestinian – Israeli two-state solution, and the Israel’s maneuvers to destroy the idea using for example but not limited to unprecedented settlement activity, and depending on the a new American position that regards the Palestinians’ right to establish an independent state as a negotiable matter, and that the American Administration refuses to talk on the two-solution and its refusal to pressure the Israeli government to stop its settlement activities, which anyhow destroy the solution.
For me, I have no objection to remind the world at anytime and anywhere of the two-state solution, reminding the entire world that Israel is doing its best feverishly and unprecedentedly to destroy the notion since the US presidential, Trump took office in Nov. 2016. However, opposition will become essential and national responsibility if backtrack is noticed on the national, regional and international interest of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people that are briefly expressed in their will and right to self-determination.
Talking about the right of self-determination has 3-dimension that include all the national rights of the Palestinians, who are distributed in 3 areas, first, the 48, second, West Bank including East Jerusalem, and the Palestinian of the Gaza Strip i.e. the Palestinian Territory occupied after 1967 aggression, third, the Palestinian refugees, who have been uprooted and expelled from their homeland by force. Moreover, the brutal Israeli Dalt Plan, which was approved and implemented by both the Jewish Agency and the Zionist Movement during the British withdrawal from Palestine in April 1948.
The rights of the entire Palestinian people, the 48-Palestinian, the West Bank and Diaspora are interdependent, united and based in their entirety on the right to self-determination. This should be clear when talking about the rights of the Palestinian people, especially in the current conditions, where many statements by Netanyahu and other Israeli officials as they marked the 50th anniversary on settlement, which was organized in the Burqan Industrial Area, attended by 1000s of settlers and politicians. For his part, Netanyahu said, settlers will be not be evacuated as of today, this is the legacy of our fathers, this is our land, we have come back here to stay forever, adding another reason to stay in this place, Samaria is a strategic asset to the State of Israel. It is the key to its future; it is the Hansour Mount, where we can see all areas of our State.
This means that the Government of Israel has dumped the two-state solution, which is one of the components of the inalienable national rights and self-determination, which clearly means the Israeli occupation forces must leave from all the Palestinian territories occupied in 1967, the dismantling of settlements and the removal of settlers. Thus, enabling the Palestinian to establish their independent state as approved by the Palestinian National Councils, starting from the 19th session held in Algiers in 1988 based on the natural, historical and legal right of the Arab-Palestinian people in their homeland under the international legitimacy resolutions since 1947.
The two-state solution merely means the establishment of the Palestinian State in the June 67-border, a solution that does not detract anything from the collective national rights and the rights of equality and citizenship of the Palestinian people in the 1948 territory. These rights have been targeted and subjected to disruption by the very many racist laws, of which was the national law on the timetable of the Israeli Knesset. It shall not detract the rights of the Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and property, which they were forcibly left. One must be careful while signing any future political settlement agreement; he/she must believe that the right to return is a must.
Accordingly, a strong-worded message might be sent to Israeli leaders, starting with Netanyahu, through the Minister of the Judiciary, Elit Shaked, and Ben Naftal Bennett, the leader of the Jewish House. The title shall be clear, “the colonialism policy and the word-fortune tellers can be circulated among the right-wing extremists, but will not be able to close the eyes from our rights. in any case, we are not searching for a political settlement in which a two-state solution will turn into a Trojan horse that liquidates our national rights, and our people rights to self-determination.

*** Member of the PLO- Excecutive Committee
***Head of Palestinian Expatriate Affairs Department

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