الرئيسية / تصريحات تيسير خالد / Tayseer Khaled: The Declaration of Independence Still The Guiding Standard of Our National Struggle

Tayseer Khaled: The Declaration of Independence Still The Guiding Standard of Our National Struggle

In commemorating the 29th anniversary of the Palestinian Declaration of Independence, member of the PLO’s Executive Committee, Head of the Palestinian Expatriate Affairs Department , Tayseer Khaled, said that the Declaration adopted by the Palestinian National Council at its 19th session held in Algiers on Nov. 1988, remains a compass for our national struggle as well as the right to self-determination, the right of return and the right to establish a Palestinian State on all the occupied Palestinian territories of the 1967 aggression, on top of which Jerusalem, the eternal capital of the people and State of Palestine.

Adding, the Palestinian people’s rights as specified in the Declaration of Independence are inalienable and will not be a negotiating issue. The American administration shall not waste time in promoting solutions that deny these rights. Some American political and media circles reported that the administration intends to provide what it named an “Deal of the Century” has nothing to do with the international legitimacy’s resolutions, and it will be rejected by the Palestinians, stressing the need to return to the Palestinian Central Council and the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization’s resolutions, and to rebuild the relationship with Israel being an occupying colonial and apartheid state.

In an interview with media regarding the seriousness of the so-called “Deal of the Century,” Khaled said, “doing so, the US administration ignores the resolutions of international legitimacy and doesn’t like to abide itself with time limits, thus, reminding us with the absurd negotiations  sponsored by the former US administrations, which enabled Israel to disregard the peace process and the so-called 2-state solution.

Khaled stressed that the Palestinian leadership seeks to have a comprehensive settlement based on the resolutions of international legitimacy in order to guarantee the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on the borders of  June 4th, 1967 with East Jerusalem as its capital, and to ensure a just and acceptable settlement of the refugee issue on the basis of the relevant resolutions of international legitimacy. Accordingly, he pointed out that there is no benefit from such deals that ignore the international law. 

As for the Palestinian options available to face the US administration’s pressure on deals that do not meet the legitimate national rights, Khalid stressed that “our priorities must begin with the arrangement of our internal Palestinian house, support the Palestinian reconciliation, and to restore the unity of the Palestinian political system, which enables the Palestinian leadership to face Netanyahu’s settlement policy and projects, and the American settlement deals that don’t  have international legitimacy. “

He stressed the need to translate the Central Council and the Executive Committee’s resolutions with steps, such as, disengagement of the political, economic, administrative and security at all levels with Israel, and national disobedience that compels the international community to conform its words with deeds regarding the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, international law and international legitimacy resolutions.

Khalid mocked the news on the Trump team’s maneuver to gather “preliminary documents” that examined various topics, which dealt with causes of conflict between the Palestinians and Israelis e.g. the status of Jerusalem, settlements and borders in the occupied West Bank, added that the America Administration disrespect our minds when it says it didn’t know the points of contention in the final status negotiations over the last years of American sponsorship of the Palestinian-Israeli negotiations. 

Press Office                                                                                                    16-11-2017


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