الرئيسية / تصريحات تيسير خالد / Tayseer Khaled : International Protection Is Urgently Needed For the Palestinian People Living Under Occupation

Tayseer Khaled : International Protection Is Urgently Needed For the Palestinian People Living Under Occupation

On the International Day for Solidarity with the Palestinian People, and in light of the Israeli occupation violation of human rights against the Palestinian people, settlement expansion, demolition of houses, arrest campaigns and inhuman treatment of the Palestinian prisoners, as well as, the ongoing collective punishment and the blockade imposed by Israel on the Gaza Strip, the PLO Executive Committee Member, Head of Palestinian  Expatriates Affairs Department , Tayseer Khaled called on the international community to hold its responsibilities and to move urgently to provide international protection to the Palestinian people.

            In an interview with the media, Khaled added that this day, November 29th brings back to the Palestinians’ memory the painful scenes and stances from one hand, and the promising future that the Palestinian people waiting eagerly. This day of 1947, the UN General Assembly issued a resolution to divide Palestine. It was unfair and painful resolution that inflicted a historic injustice, which its repercussions are still alive. This day in 1977, the General Assembly declared it as a day of solidarity with the Palestinian people, as if it tries to reconsider their national rights.

            Khaled stressed that this day reminds us of the UN General Assembly’s resolution no. 67/19, through which the UN has recognized Palestine as an observer state, and paved the way before Palestine to join the UN agencies, organs, institutions and organizations, as well as the International Criminal Court, which intends to inspect the Israeli leaders, who committed war crimes against the Palestinian people and humanity.

            Moreover, Khaled invited the World Public Opinion to be in harmony with the UN General Assembly’s resolution in solidarity with the Palestinian people, and to press the UN States to stop settlement, house demolition, transfer, judaization and ethnic cleansing policy in the East Jerusalem, the Jordan Valley and the areas south of Hebron, and to assume its responsibilities towards the Palestinian cause by providing a special system for the international protection of the Palestinian people under occupation, and enabling the Palestinians to exercise their right to have a sovereign State on their land under the UNs’ resolution of Nov. 29th, 2012.

            Khaled also reiterated his call to be firm in the face of pressure, threats, the US blackmail and its attempts to close the Palestinian Mission’s office in Washington, and dealing with Israel as a State above the law, and it shall not be hold accountable for any violation. He also asserted the need to address the UNs’ organizations for providing us with an international protection system against the Israeli crimes, just like the one provided by the UN to East Timor, Kosovo, and Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 2nd half of the 1990s.


Nov. 29th, 2017                                                                                               Media Office









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