الرئيسية / مقالات وتقارير / تقرير الاستيطان / Israel Gov’t Began Legitimizing Outposts & Imposing Its Laws on the Educational System in the Settlements

Israel Gov’t Began Legitimizing Outposts & Imposing Its Laws on the Educational System in the Settlements


By: Madeeha Araj,


Israeli statistical study showed that the number of settlers in the occupied West Bank, excluding Jerusalem, has increased to about half a million by 2018, scattered in 150 settlements, with a population growth of 3.4%  i.e. 15,000 settlers annually. At the same time, US Vice President Penis’ visit to Israel encouraged settlement activity, where the moment he left, the Israeli Attorney General, Avihai Mandelblit recommended to legitimize the Hofat Gilad outpost west of Nablus, asking for its recognition.


Israeli Army Minister, Avigdor Lieberman called for turning it into a settlement. Ministers of the “Jewish House” Naftali Bennett and Eilit Shaked said that ratifying the outpost will be carried out soon after Pines’ visit to Israel. She added, “We don’t want to embarrass Pines, but we will ratify it immediately after his departure.”


According to the recommendations adopted on the text of the settlement, it will be within the regional settlement council “Samaria,” receives a symbol for an independent settlement and will absorb more settlers. At the same time, Netanyahu recommended to provide the outpost with water, electricity and infrastructures. It was noted that the Gilad outpost is located on land belonging to 5 villages of Kafr Qaddoum, Jeit Sara, Tal and Farata near Nablus. It was established in 2002 following the killing of a settler leader, Gilad Zare and was given its name.


In a flagrant violation of international law, the Ministerial Committee on Legislation in the Government of Israel ratified several laws submitted by the Government of Netanyahu for the application of these laws on settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories. The committee approved 12 laws. Among the draft laws adopted and approved and voted to the Knesset were the Foreign Workers and Illegal Residence Law, which stipulated to fine and punish on them, and includes severe penalties for those who conduct and bring Palestinian workers without a permit.


The talk was about the main steps proposed by Minister of Justice, Ellitt Shaked in favor the settlement scheme in the West Bank, on which the Attorney General of the Israeli Government, Avihai Mandelblit, approved the “Judea and Samaria” procedure, which stipulates that in every new draft law approved by the Knesset, shall refer to the West Bank and to be applied on settlements.


According to the The National Bureau for Defending Land and Resisting Settlements , the Education Committee ratified the draft law for expanding authoroties of the Higher Education Council to include the occupied West Bank, with a majority of 8 votes against 5. The Law aims to replace the authority of the Council of Higher Education with the Ariel municipality, instead of the so-called Council for the Education of Judea and Samaria, which is under civil administration. Despite the reservations made by the Higher Education Council, which are subject to academic considerations and not to political considerations, the Education Committee approved them without amendments.


Within the framework of the silent ethnic cleansing policy that carried out by Israel in the Palestinian Valley’s areas, bulldozers of the occupation, eliminated Karzali village, west of the Jiftlik in the central Jordan Valley, as they destroyed its features to piles of rubble, and closed the only road leading to it with trenches and soil blocs, in order to prevent any humanitarian assistance to the affected families. The Israeli occupation authorities claim that all the area was illegally inhabited and was rebuilt many times by the Bedouin families there.



A list of Assaults Documented by the National Bureau by Israeli Occupation and Settlers over the last week:


  • Burning a vehicle by settlers, writing racist slogans on the walls of Beit Safafa in Jerusalem including “Death to the Arabs.”
  • Turning the Old City of Jerusalem into a military compound and tightening security measures in the city. during the US Vice President Penis’ visit, who boosted the “capital of Israel.


  • Allowing settlers to perform public Talmudic rites in the Al-Aqsa Mosque, a step that comes within the context of transferring to place to accommodate the prayers of the settlers and their activities.


  • Announcing to file a case in the Israeli High Court to allow the settlers perform their rites freely at Al-Aqsa Courtyards. The “temple organizations” declared an “emergent storming” of al-Aqsa due to the expulsion of settlers who performed public Talmudic prayers at al-Aqsa and called on the settlers to “pray” at al-Aqsa to get rid of the waqf and to “sanctify the name of the Lord” in it.




  • Notification order to demolish 3 houses belonging to Ibrahim Salama Salamain, Shihada Rizk and Ahmad Qawain in the Samuo town, south of Hebron, under the pretext of building in C Area without a permit.


  • Detaining a child, Wade’a Karam Moswadi, 14, at the 160 checkpoint, south of the Ibrahimi Mosque, and seizing his bike.



  • Notification order to evacuate agricultural land and stop construction in a water well in the Nahla area, and distributed evacuation orders of 50 donums of agricultural land belonging to the Jobran family, claiming that it is a State land south of Bethlehem.


  • Ordering a Palestinian citizen Naseer Nimer ‘Abed Rabbo in the Karimzan area near Beit Jala, west of Bethlehem to evacuate and demolish a Shed under the pretext of not having a permit, built on his ​​22 donums, the Shed was demolished 3 times in order to expel him, and to seize his land for settlement purposes.



  • Storming religious sites in order to perform Talmudic prayers in the Awarta village, south of Nablus, under the protection of the Israeli soldiers.


  • Injuring the girl, Najma Arafat, 13, by a settler near Hiwara town.


  • Attacking a number of houses in the Madama town, south of Nablus. They also demolished 3 Palestinian houses and a barn in near Aqraba, south of Nablus.


  • Wounding Mohie Dein Abd-Rahman Salah, 16, from Burqa village in his neck, by Israeli forces near the evacuated settlement of Homesh.


Jordan Valley:

  • Notification order to evacuate land in the Qa’un Plain, near the village of Bardala in the northern Jordan Valley, for military purposes use. The so-called “Civil Administration” distributed a notification order of 30 donums planted with 50 olive trees and other crops, military exercises for the Israeli soldiers in the West Bank, concentrated in the Jordan Valley area, and accompanied by evacuating scores of Palestinian families there.


  • Chasing and attacking shepherds at Al-Farseiah area in the northern Jordan Valley, a young man and his mother were moderately injured following a group of settlers assaulting them. They were attacked by gang of settlers with sharp sticks.


  • Bulldozing a residential building in the Jiftlik village in the Jordan valleys belonging ed to Samer Ahmad Barakat under on the pretext of not having a license.

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