الرئيسية / مقالات وتقارير / تقرير الاستيطان / Judaization and Ethnic Cleansing in Jerusalem among International Warnings of Expansion Plans

Judaization and Ethnic Cleansing in Jerusalem among International Warnings of Expansion Plans

By: Madeeha Araj,


The National Bureau for Defending Land and Resisting Settlements said in his latest weekly report , that Jerusalem witnesses continued Judaization operations by the Israeli government, the occupation Municipality, the settlement associations and the Israeli judicial system in order to minimize the Palestinian presence in the city through mass forced expulsions in the Wad Al-Homs area of ​​Jerusalem. Forced displacement threatens 100 of Jerusalemite families through demolishing 16 buildings, including 11 located in area A and 3 located in Area C and 2 in Area B under the pretext of being close to the apartheid wall, but the real goal of the occupation government is the construction of a settlement linking the settlements of “Har Mah “in Jabal Abu Ghneim with the settlement of” Maale Adumim”. The Occupation Authorities given the residents of the Wadi al-Homs neighborhood until July 18 to implement the demolition orders of their homes by themselves otherwise they will be fined.


In a new Judaization, the occupation Municipality’s committee  in Jerusalem approved the names of rabbis on the streets of Silwan. The Committee headed by Mayor Moshe Leaoun, approved the names of 5 streets in Baten Hawa neighborhood in Silwan.  Noting that there are only about 12 families of Jewish settlers among hundreds of Palestinian families. The following names were approved: “Ezraat Nadahim”, “Hiraf Madmouni”, “Hraff Avraham Allendaf”, “Harav Yahya Yitshak Halifi” and “Harav Shalom Aleiche Halevi”.


Bethlehem and Hebron are also under a new settlement operations after the Israeli authorities allocated about 1,200 dunums to build a new neighborhood to expand the “Efrat” settlement towards the city of Bethlehem. The construction of a large neighborhood in the area requires infrastructure and other large works. Israel has established the Har Homa and Har Gilo settlements north of Bethlehem, while the West Bank is surrounded by road te 60 with the Gush Etzion settlements behind it. Settlers also bulldozed land in the village of Kisan, east of Bethlehem, accompanied by staff from the so-called Civil Administration and under the protection of the occupation forces to build a solar power plant. The Israeli occupation forces also razed 660 donums in the town of Beitir. The Israeli occupation government has also ratified the cutting of more than 2,000 olive trees with security claims between the western entrance of the town of Taqoa and the entrance of the village of Minya, southeast of Bethlehem, on an estimated 80 dunums.


In the settlements in the West Bank excluding the occupied Jerusalem, there was a significant increase in settlement construction during the period from 2018 – 2019, which reached 42% compared with the settlement construction during the period from April 2017 – 2018. The Ma’ale Adumim municipality plans to set up a conference center for NIS 140,000,000 in the Mishor Adumim industrial zone. According to the plan, the center will be built on an area of ​​30,000 m2, including buildings with an area 10,000 m2 in order to hold large international conferences. The conference center includes 3 areas, including a wedding hall for 1500 people, an Israeli and international exhibition hall. The area extends to the industrial area of ​​Mishor Adumim on an area of ​​2,823 dunums, of which 1,667 dunums are for erecting 330 factories. The Israeli Ministry of Communications has recently begun to set up infrastructure with an investment of over one billion shekels to expand the streets.


The number of establishments increased to about 1,982 small and medium-sized businesses, a rise of almost 100 percent in a decade in the number of commercial interests, while the rate of investments jumped in 2018, which was 20 percent higher than that of the previous year. His counterpart in Tel Aviv. This was presented at a conference of investors in the so-called “Judea” and “Samaria” settlements, held last week in the framework of cooperation between the Samaria Regional Council and the Israeli Ministry of Economy. In the framework of the conference, small business data was presented in the West Bank,

On the other hand, Israeli ambitious to annex more areas in the West Bank. The UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Nikolai Mladenov, warned on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian issue, saying members of the UN Security Council are against Israeli thinking of annexing the occupied West Bank or some of its parts.  Adding that will destroy the peace process, and the prospects of the so-called two-state solution. The UN official informed the Council that Israel continues to violate UN Security Council Resolution 2234 of 23 Dec. 2016. He stressed that “Israeli settlement expansion in the occupied Palestinian territories has no legal basis and must stop.



A list of Israeli Occupation and Settlers’ Assaults over the Last Week, Documented by the National Bureau




– Distributing notices of demolition in the town of Issawiya in the center of occupied Jerusalem in order to establish a Talmudic garden.


– Forcing the citizen Hatem al-Abbasi to demolish his house under the pretext of not having a license.


– Demolishing a house belonging to the Alqam family in the Shu’fat Refugee Camp.




– Seizing a commercial store in the old town owned by the Hebron Waqf, closed since 2001 by an Israeli military order.


– Attacking workers while building a wall near a house belonging to the Abu-Eisha family in the Tel-Armeida neighborhood in the center of Hebron.


– Storming the archaeological tower in the town of Samoa ‘south of Hebron and performed religious rituals there.


– Demolishing 2 agricultural rooms and bulldozed agricultural land in Taybeh area near Tarqumiya west of Hebron, besides closing agricultural roads.




– Setting fire to the land south of the village of Madma south of Nablus and carried out razing in the area of ​​Ein-Shaara south of Madma village.


– Bulldozing areas of land north of Yanun village belonging near Aqraba.


– Demolishing of an agricultural room and cutting of some olive trees in the Qusra village.




– Attacking Palestinian property and writing racist slogans on about 22 vehicles in the town of Dearastia.


– Razing areas of Zawiyeh to expand the settlement of the Qana.


Jericho and the Jordan Valley:


– Demolishing a 150 m2 house under construction in the Jericho area.





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