الرئيسية / مقالات وتقارير / تقرير الاستيطان / Israeli Economic Plan to Develop Settlements Matching the American’s Plan

Israeli Economic Plan to Develop Settlements Matching the American’s Plan

By: Madeeha Araj,


The National Bureau for Defending Land and Resisting Settlements said in his latest weekly report , that  the former Mayor of the Israeli Occupation Municipality in Jerusalem, Nir Barkat presented an economic plan similar to the one offered by US President Donald Trump ahead of the economic summit in Bahrain, which pertains to Areas A and B, but Barkat’s plan focuses on Area C, which is under Israeli control which includes 12 large industrial zones to be established that will employ over 200,000 Palestinians. Adding, his plan has a higher chance of success than the US administration as it avoids evacuating the settlements and developing 4 old large industrial zones, besides the construction of 1,600 settlement units in Qalandiya north of the holy city, and it enables us to adjust the route of the apartheid wall, thus, annexing large areas of Palestinian land in the West Bank.


Within the context, Israeli PM, Netanyahu said that we will not withdraw from the Jordan Valley according to any future peace agreement with the Palestinians, including the American plan to settle the Palestinian issue known as the “Deal of the Century”, adding that this will only bring more war and terrorism. His remarks were accompanied by US National Security Advisor, John Bolton in the Jordan Valley. As he said that US President Trump would take into account the concerns expressed by Netanyahu. Those remarks coincide with the small team that worked on drafting the American Century deal, including US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman and US Middle East envoy, Jason Greenblatt, asserting that Israel has the right to annex part of the territory in the West Bank. In this regard, Friedman expressed surprise over his previous statements on this issue.


As part of the ongoing occupation efforts to loot Palestinian land and to expand settlement construction, the so-called Central Region Commander recently enacted legislative amendments aimed at organizing the “Kushan. The Kushan is a written paper in the time of the Ottoman State. The measure was raised by the Deputy Minister of Security, Eli Ben Dahan with the aim of adapting land registrations since the Ottoman and British periods in the West Bank in order to promote settlement and Judaization projects underway in Jerusalem, the occupation Municipality in Jerusalem approved a budget of NIS 31,000,000 to start a line of light train connects the town of Sur Baher with Qalandia checkpoint area under a plan to link the settlements with each others, and if implemented it will be  the longest light rail lines in the city of Jerusalem in 2024.


In Jerusalem, with the presence of US Ambassador David Friedman, White House Middle East envoy, Jason Greenblatt and Israeli cabinet ministers, the Israel Antiquities Authority opens the so-called “Pilgrim’s Road” in Silwan for the Elad Settlement Association, a tunnel dug for years under Palestinians’ houses. Within a different context, the Palestinian Health Ministry announced last week that some 1,000 Palestinians were poisoned in the village of Marda, north of the city of Salfit due to pollution resulted by the Ariel settlement bloc. Health Minister Mei Al-Kila said in a conference in Ramallah that the main cause of pollution is settlements, adding 60 percent of all Israeli waste is disposed in the Palestinian territories, thus, polluting water and soil in flagrant violation of international law and environmental protection laws. For its part, the UNs Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices against Palestinians expressed its concern about the continued deterioration of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territory. The Committee also expressed its concern about the deterioration of human rights in the H2 area in ​​the Hebron city and the massive expansion of settlements as the year 2018 recorded the highest rate of approvals for the construction of housing units since 2002.

A list of Israeli Occupation and Settlers’ Assaults over the Last Week, Documented by the National Bureau




– Demolishing a 3-donum gas filling station in Anata, claiming to be located in Area C.

– Demolishing a sit-in tent erected by residents of the Wadi Yassol Neighborhood in the Silwan town in protest against their homes threatened with demolition.

– Distributing demolition orders for 5 buildings and 11 houses in various neighborhoods of Jerusalem, especially in Beit Hanina.

– Storming the Wadi-Homs area in Sur-Baher, demolished 2 buildings under construction, and took measurements of 15 other residential buildings containing 100 apartments in preparation for demolition.

– Launching the Jewish Lights in the Old Jerusalem in the Damascus Gate under the title “Octopus Park.”




– A new settlement plan at the entrance to the Qasaba Market in Hebron, where settlers erected tents and displayed pictures of their settlement plan. As for the wholesale market, the former Minister of the occupation army, Libermann announced in Nov. 2018 to establish a new settlement building in the heart of the old town.

– Attacking a number of houses in the Wadi-Husain area south of Hebron, confiscated a crane for electricity and a service car belonging to the Beit-OmarMmunicipality.



– Bulldozing 300-dunum in the Khallet-Nahla area adjacent to the Wad- Rahal village, south of Bethlehem with the aim of setting up caravans to build settlement outpost called “Givat Etam”, and to isolate Bethlehem from the southern West Bank.



– Attacking Palestinian vehicles on Jenin-Nablus St, said uttered language.



– Attacking the Sangil town, damaging cars, writing anti-Arab slogans, drawing the Star of David, accusing the inhabitants as “terrorists”.


– Placing barbed wires on the lands of the Dahr-Maleh village – Yabad to the north of the Annexation Wall, confiscating construction equipment and agricultural tractors from the village’s Tahadi School.


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