الرئيسية / ملف الاستيطان والجدار / Netanyahu Creates A Homeland for Settlers in the West Bank

Netanyahu Creates A Homeland for Settlers in the West Bank


By: Madeeha Araj,


The National Bureau for Defending Land and Resisting Settlements said in his latest weekly report , stated in the fifteen anniversary of the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice -ICJ in the Hague on July 9th, 2004 regarding the Israeli separation wall in which the Court affirmed that the Wall is not a security one, and contradicts the International Law, and called on Israel to stop building and to demolish the built parts, and to redress the damage done to citizens, institutions, and public and private administrations, including residents in and around East Jerusalem, but the opinion “fatwa” remained stuck in the absence of the international’s will to oblige the occupying state to ban building.


According to the National Bureau of Statistics, 85% of the route passes through the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, comprising 9.4% of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem and the Latrun Valley. The planned length of the route is 712 km i.e double the borders of the 1967, (323 km), and more than 150 Palestinian communities are living there, and 65 of the settlements.


Within a different context, the PM Netanyahu declared at the celebration marking the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the so-called “Samaria Regional Council” to uproot any settlement in the “Land of Israel” under his leadership, and will not repeat the mistakes of the past referring to the Ariel Sharon’s so-called unilateral disengagement plan and the dismantling of settlements in the Gaza Strip in 2005.


At the same time, the occupation authorities continue the policy of ethnic cleansing, especially in Jerusalem, and they handed over 16 demolition orders at the Wadi-Homs Neighborhood otherwise, they will be fined, despite the fact that they located in area A. However, the Israeli occupation forces claim that the demolition is for security reasons. The construction is prohibited for 250 meters in the vicinity of the racist annexation wall that Israel began after 2002. In 2005, the Israeli occupation authorities began to build a separation wall in the areas of Jerusalem and Bethlehem. The laws of the occupation require that houses be removed 250 meters from each side of the apartheid wall. In the same context, the Israeli occupation authorities have been informed of the demolition of houses in the Wadi Qaddum neighborhood of Silwan.


On the other hand, the “pay the price” terrorists carried out 57 terrorist attacks in 2016. The number of such attacks increased to 79 in 2017 and 205 in 2018. The Israeli army said that the attacks against the Palestinians include the burning of agricultural fields and the destruction of property, and approved the construction of 216 new settlement units in the Gilo settlement south of occupied Jerusalem. The move coincides with a marked increase in the construction of settlements in Jerusalem, which is witnessing a rise in the pace of demolition of Palestinian homes. This comes within the framework of the approval of the Municipality of the occupation to build two towers with an 18-storey high in each of the mentioned settlement, which will accommodate 40,000 population. The decision came amid a marked increase in settlement construction in the city of East Jerusalem. At the end of last June, Israeli authorities approved tenders for the construction of 460 housing units in the Pisgat Ze’ev settlement and 345 units in the Ramot settlement, north of occupied Jerusalem. The Israeli occupation forces have begun to develop and build a network of huge settlement roads south of occupied Jerusalem to facilitate the movement of settlers and link the settlement blocs to each other. Some. Settlers began construction of 105 graves


A list of Israeli Occupation and Settlers’ Assaults over the Last Week, Documented by the National Bureau



  • Confiscating a house in the Sawwanah neighborhood of occupied Jerusalem consists of 6 apartments.


  • Demolishing foundations and pillars of an apartment at the Sheikh Anbar neighborhood.


  • Evacuating Siam family in the Wadi Hilweh neighborhood of Silwan from its house, in favor of the settlement association.




  • Demolishing a Palestinian house under construction in the village of Qat in the town of Beit Umar.
  • A 20-square-meter agricultural room was swept away in Yatta.
  • Demolishing order of a building under construction in the Idna town, under the pretext of building without a permit.
  • Beating child, Montasser Raed Abu-Armila Al-Tamimi, 10 in the Old City near the Ibrahimi Mosque.




  • Distributing posters and maps east of the town of Azzoun showing the land targeted for confiscation for military purposes.




  • Damaging 4 tires of vehicles, wrote racist slogans on walls of houses in the town of Awarta.


  • Uprooting 1500 olive trees in the village of Burin.




  • Notices to stop the construction of 6 houses in the village of Ramanah West Jenin under the pretext of non-licensing.


Jordan Valley:


  • Seizing water wells in Khirbet Samra in the northern Jordan Valley


  • Opening settlement roads northern Jordan Valley, east of Tubas, subject to judaization and military purposes.

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