الرئيسية / مقالات وتقارير / تقرير الاستيطان / Israel Demolishes Homes, Displaces Palestinian Citizens in Sur-Baher , Builds New Settlement in OPT

Israel Demolishes Homes, Displaces Palestinian Citizens in Sur-Baher , Builds New Settlement in OPT

By: Madeeha Araj,


The National Bureau for Defending Land and Resisting Settlements said in his latest weekly report , that the Israeli Occupation Authorities continue the ethnic cleansing policy, especially in Jerusalem and its surroundings, ignoring the UNs and Human Rights Organizations’ warnings, and insists the demolishing of about 100 apartments and displacing scores of families from their homes in Wadi-Homs under the pretext of being close to the Apartheid Wall in violation of international law. The Humanitarian Coordinator for the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Jimmy McGoldrick, UNRWA’s West Bank Operations Director Guin Lewis, and  head of the OHCHR office in the occupied Palestinian territory, James Henan, have called on the Ooccupation Authorities to stop the demolition plans. They said, “We call upon Israel to stop plans to demolish these buildings in areas A and B in the West Bank, which are under the control of the Palestinian Authority under Oslo Agreement.


The UN Special Rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian territories, Michael Link, said that the lack of accountability encourages Israel to annex more Palestinian territories. The UN has repeatedly stressed the illegality of Israel’s annexation of East Jerusalem, the illegality of Israeli settlements over the past 52 years, which violate the International Law. The EU’s missions in Jerusalem and Ramallah considered the Israeli policy of demolishing houses, displacing the Palestinian population undermines the possibility of achieving a two-state solution, and it follows with concern the declared intention of the Israeli authorities to begin demolishing 10 Palestinian buildings comprising about 100 apartments, thus, children are at risk of displacement in the Wadi-Homs neighborhood of East Jerusalem.


At the same time, the Israeli occupation authorities revealed details of a plan to build a settlement city on the lands of Zawia and Azzun Atma in the Qalqilia Governorate on an area of ​​2,746 dunums and linking it to the highways network. It was announced the establishment of a cemetery area of ​​243 dunums on 12/4/2019 according to project n. 1/192, and another large grave on an area of ​​more than 243 dunums. While settlers began setting up a new settlement outpost in the northern Jordan Valley. In addition, tenders were made to extend the airlift to encircle the old town, especially in Silwan and Damascus Gate passing through the sky of Al-Aqsa Mosque to the south, towards the east, Al-Tur, the Rahma Gate The so-called Jerusalem Development Authority announced a public tender n. 19/4. On the other hand, the Israeli military began using a secret application to control the West Bank, an application of “Enivision,” which diagnoses the faces of Palestinians through a network of cameras.


With the continued support of the Trump’s administration to the Israeli occupation government and under full coverage of the team of the “Century’s Deal”, Netanyahu announced his vision for the future of the occupied West Bank at the celebration marking 40 years since the founding of the so-called “Samaria Regional Council”, while Moshe Ya’alon, one of the blue-and-white party’s coalition that his party will work to apply Israeli sovereignty over the West Bank, especially settlements. Mike Huckby, a close confidant of President Trump and the governor of the former Arkansas state that he spoke to the President recently about the possibility of recognizing the settlements as part of the State of Israel Adding, the  Judea and Samaria areas are the ancient homeland of the Jewish people, while the envoy of the US administration for peace negotiations in the Middle East, Jason Greenblatt, recently told PBS News that Israel is a victim in its conflict with the Palestinians. He also opposed the use of the term “settlements” in the West Bank. He preferred the term “towns and suburbs” and that the West Bank was not occupied territory but “disputed one”.


A list of Israeli Occupation and Settlers’ Assaults over the Last Week, Documented by the National Bureau



  • Demolishing a residential building under construction in the town of Sawahreh, under the pretext of building without a license consisting of 3 apartments, on an area of ​​400 m2, and demolished 4 shops in the town of Silwan, attacked young people there. The occupation authorities informed the citizen, Moh’d Abbasi that it would destroy the commercial enterprise despite the payment of a tax of NIS 60,000.


  • Demolishing a 60-meter-long laundry and a 20-meter-long barrack in the town of al-Jib, northwest of Jerusalem under the pretext that they are not licensed. A car washroom was also demolished at the entrance to the town of Sur Bahir, southeast of occupied Jerusalem, and a commercial facility in Beit Hanina under the same pretext.




  • Handing over demolition order of a 150-m2 house in Beit Ummar, north of Hebron under the pretext of not having a license. It began destroying of land east of Hebron and a large agricultural pool under the pretext that that they are located in the area C.




  • Bulldozing areas of Palestinian land in the town of Huwara, south of Nablus, placed caravans. A number of mobile homes were set up on Palestinian lands, and agricultural roads were closed.




  • Demolishing orders were issued to stop the construction of 6 houses in the village of Rumaneh, west of Jenin, under the pretext of non-licensing and that it is located along the separation wall.


Jordan Valley:


  • A number of caravans were erected on the lands of the citizens in the northern Jordan Valley in the Wadi al-Maleh area, and a fence were also placed in the area. During the past week, settlers surveyed lands in the northern Jordan Valley and planted trees in the Khalet Hamad ara.

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