الرئيسية / تصريحات تيسير خالد / Tayseer Khaled : Volunteer committees establish good ground to resist occupation and settlements

Tayseer Khaled : Volunteer committees establish good ground to resist occupation and settlements

  • Tayseer Khaled, member of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization, member of the Political Bureau of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, welcomed the establishing of Palestinian  Volunteer committees which have spread widely in the country, especially in the Palestinian countryside, on a national and humanitarian mission helping to contain the Corona epidemic among Palestinian citizens under occupation. .
  • He added that establishing  of these committees  with the broad participation of Palestinian youth meets two vital functions, national one to compensate the inability of the Palestinian military and security forces  to play this role in areas classified as (B) and (C) in the West Bank, including Jerusalem, due to restrictions imposed by the occupation authorities and preventing these forces  in the Palestinian countryside, and a humanitarian one with distinction that revives the spirit of cooperation and volunteer work among Palestinian youth in the Palestinian countryside by participating in examining citizens and their vehicles on the roads  with the efforts of management the government in order to contain the spread of this epidemic in the Palestinian countryside, especially since tens of thousands of workers work in Israeli projects, whether inside Israel or in settlements in  the Palestinian territories occupied in  1967.
  • Tayseer Khaled continued to say that he received many complaints and observations in recent days from leaders and popular groups, pointing out that the Palestinian leadership should be at the level of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization and at the government level to accompany and sponsor this experience and intervention whenever it is linked with the relevant authorities, including That is the official Palestinian media, to preserve the national character and structure of these committees that convey this experience to the Popular Resistance Committees and the National Guard, to confront not only the epidemic, but also the settlement epidemic that is no less dangerous than Corona.


  • 9.4.2020                                                                                                                    Information office

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