الرئيسية / تصريحات تيسير خالد / Tayseer Khaled : Netanyahu Choses the Right Time for Implementing Annexation Soon After Agreeing with Gantz

Tayseer Khaled : Netanyahu Choses the Right Time for Implementing Annexation Soon After Agreeing with Gantz

Tayseer Khaled, member of the PLO Executive Committee, and member of the Political Bureau of the DFLP has called for a prompt response to the signed agreement between Netanyahu and Gantz  on the formation of the Israeli government, and its stipulations to start the procedures for imposing Israeli sovereignty over lands in the occupied West Bank, as of first of coming July, adding that “the Palestinian National Council’ resolutions of April 2018 , and the successive Palestinian Central Council’ resolutions shall be implemented in dealing with Israel as an occupying, colonial, racist, and ethnic cleansing State, and at the same time preparing for a national disobedience as a major choice in order to get rid of the occupation.

He added that the timing that Netanyahu chose in his agreement with Gantz to impose the occupation sovereignty over the settlements, the Jordan Valley and the northern Dead Sea was not a coincidence, but related to already agreed upon estimations with the American Administration on the necessity and importance of achieving the Israeli-American Joint work team of the maps that allows Israel to carry out the annexations and imposition of its sovereignty over the territories, which are marked by these maps as areas that are annexed to the Occupying Power within the context of carrying out the Zio-American Deal of the Century.

Moreover, Khaled said that the joint interest between the Likud Party led by Netanyahu, and his allies in the extreme right, and right camp in Israel, has become clear, as Netanyahu is in dire need to fold his corruption file through renewing his political mandate in Israel at a time when, Trump realizes more than ever, that he must recover his balance after losing the battle against Corona as the US presidential election is drawing near.

Khaled warned of the awful consequences of their agreement, especially, in light of the world’s preoccupation with the war on the Covid-19, and the international silence on the crimes committed by the Zionist Movement and the Jewish Agency against the Palestinian people after the Second World War that followed by the establishment of the State of Israel under the pretext of fighting the Nazi-crimes. He also called on the Arab States to hold their responsibilities and fulfill their national obligations, including cutting their public and secret relations with the occupying power and stopping all forms of normalization with it. He also urged the Security Council, the UN General Assembly, and other international forums, including the International Criminal Court to assume their responsibilities in curbing the Occupation aggressive, expansionist and annexation policy under the burden of international liability. Finally, Khaled called on the European Union countries in particular to recognize the Palestinian State on the June 4, 1967 lines, under UNs’ General Assembly Resolution n. 67/19 of 2012.

April 21st, 2020                                                   The Press Office

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