الرئيسية / تصريحات تيسير خالد / The international community is required to stop Israeli annexation of Palestinian lands

The international community is required to stop Israeli annexation of Palestinian lands

By : Tayseer Khaled *

The meetings that currently taking place in Washington and Tell Aviv , between senior American and Israeli officials headed by the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo , President Trump’s Adviser, Jared Kushner, and the American Administration to the Middle East’s envoy, Avi Berkowitz, with David Friedman, the US Ambassador to Israel, tackle 2 issues:

First, to see which is better to apply what they name it “Israeli Sovereignty” over the settlements near and around Jerusalem or applying it over 30% of the West Bank. Second, does that move draw the Palestinians into negotiations or not. Actually, this is aggressive, fascist and absurd acts. They are unprecedented in the history of international relations other than that of the Hitler – Chamberlain’s Agreement signed in 1938 to annex parts of the Czech State to Nazi-Germany.

As for Netanyahu, he didn’t expect that an American president would come and grants him free gifts that fully support him in the elections, including providing political cover for his government to unilaterally impose Israeli sovereignty over the Palestinian territories, besides annexing the Ma’aleh Adumim Settlement to the Greater Jerusalem, and expansion in the area E1, not only this but also found himself before an American Administration that retrospectively and fully adopts the Zionist narrative as it recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel and the transfer of the American Embassy to Jerusalem, and recently annexing 30% of the West Bank lands, which will consequentlycantonize the Palestinians and establish apartheid regime against them.

Moreover, Netanyahu couldn’t have dreamed that his country, which occupies lands of three Arab-countries, namely: Palestine, Syria and Lebanon, to have secret and other public relations with some Arab countries that have adhere to the so-called Arab Peace Initiative in 2002, and to be honor guest at a conference promoting for economic solution to the conflict in the capital of an Arab country, and in a political and security axis with countries in the region that chose an emergent country to the history and geography of the region as an ally.

Netanyahu invented many allegations and lies about what he calls Judea and Samaria, to persuade the Jews of their relations in this land, and that he does history for the State of Israel that David Ben-Gurion couldn’t do in 1948. So, Netanyahu came to finish his political life BY Completing the Zionist project. Accordingly, he and his settlers must be reminded that they came to this country on the back of a British tank, and must be also reminded that the Palestinian people are the owners of this land since ever and forever, and no one is going to believe them, but themselves and their allies.

It is obvious that Netanyahu bets on racist leaders in the USA , who run the White House, and the weakness of some  Arab leaders , who have lost their national immunity. The Palestinian people have and will never surrender nor raise the flag of surrender and economic peace, and won’t give in to their temptations andsavageness, and defend our national project with determination decisiveness. Our people expressed clearly his rejection of on the 19th of last May. The transitional phase is over, the agreements signed with the Israeli side were ended, and the Palestinians are absolved of all civil, military and security obligations, and will never return to the former era. A national disobedience is looming on the horizon, we know the free peoples throughout the world are with us, and we are sure that the 1000 miles journey starts with a step.

Last week in Jericho, there were broad international presence, the Palestinian people sent a clear message to Netanyahu, rulers of Tel Aviv, and settler gangs that the entire world exceptthe White House’ Administration, is with us and opposes the Israeli annexation plan, and its aggressive and expansionist policy. We highly appreciate that, hoping that the world to overcome the situation, and recognize the state of Palestine on the June 4th, 1967 borders, and impose sanctions on the Israeli occupation, as well as lift the immunity of the Israeli war criminals and to be punished.

Again in Fasaiel and Jeftlik , we send the same message and warn Netanyahu against continuing his liesas he says the Jordan Valleyhas a strategic importance for Israeli national security. Knowing that a lot of Israeli generals refute his alleges, besides, public opinion in Israeldoesn’t believe him, and say the eastern borders of the alley are safe.  It must be known that the Jordan Valley is very precious to the Palestinians, and also shall be noticed that the returns ofthe Jordan Valley are estimated by Israeli settlers at about US $ 650-750 million annually, which means the number is higher than number of the Palestinian exports to the Israeli market, and the Palestinians losses due to the army and settlers ’control of the Jordan Valleyaccording to the World Bank’s estimation is US $ 3.4 billion.

It gives me a great pleasure to direct my speech to our people in the Gaza Strip, who are the spring of the Palestinian patriotism, telling them that they are integral part of our struggle in protecting our National Project under the umbrella of the Palestinian Liberation Organization in order to establish free and independent national State on all the occupied Palestinian territories in the 1967’sborders. ‘There is no State in the Gaza Strip, and no State without the Gaza Strip.’We are together against annexation projects.

Finally, our martyrs and prisoners are the source of our glory and pride, they are more honorable than all of us, and Netanyahu shall be held responsible for the assassination of our people, the last of whom was Iyad Al-Hallaq, who was executed by Israeli soldiers a few days ago, and Ahmed Erekat, whosoon to be groom, executed on his sister’s wedding day at an Israeli checkpoint.

  • Member Of  PLO’s Executive Committee
  • Member of  Democratic Front’s Political Bureau,

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