الرئيسية / مقالات وتقارير / تقرير الاستيطان / Israeli Settlement Continues, and imposing Israeli sovereignty increase in indirect ways

Israeli Settlement Continues, and imposing Israeli sovereignty increase in indirect ways

By: Madeeha Al-A’raj

The National Bureau for defending land and resisting settlements ( nbprs ) stated in its latest weekly report , that  the normalization agreements among the Israeli occupation State, the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Bahrain under the auspices of the American administration provide sufficient assurances that Israel is interested in the current circumstance of imposing Israeli sovereignty on large areas of the West Bank. At the level the Knesset, talks renewed last week in Israel about dissolving the Civil Administration, to be replaced by Israeli ministries, with a draft law that implies imposing the so-called “Israeli sovereignty” over the West Bank gradually.


Moreover, after the PM Netanyahu signed the normalization agreement with the United Arab Emirates and the Declaration of Principles with the Kingdom of Bahrain in the White House, Israeli leaders’ statements ensured that, as a whole, they would proceed with the settlement project. It didn’t abandon the annexation plan for Palestinian lands, but postponed it.


Israel’s ambassador to Washington and its permanent representative to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, said that he had spoken on this occasion with Netanyahu, who assured him that the annexation plan had not been removed from the Israeli agenda, and the matter would be discussed after the imminent US presidential elections. While the Israeli Energy Minister, Yuval Steinitz, said that he does not see any possibility for the establishment of a Palestinian State, and that the solution from his point of view is Israeli settlement in all parts of the “Land of Israel”, as he claimed, while the Palestinians have wide-ranging autonomy. As for the Speaker of the Knesset, Yeriv Levin, he also confirmed that the project to annex Israel to land in the West Bank has not been canceled, but rather has been suspended in response to the request of US President Donald Trump, stressing that the annexation will be with US approval.


While the American ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, reminded that his country is the first to consider that the settlement doesn’t violate the international law, and the only government to publish a peace plan refusing to evacuate the Jews from their homes in the West Bank. As for imposing sovereignty and annexation, he said there were some diplomatic difficulties to do that of which was Corona in order to pass this plan, as the opportunity arose to conclude an agreement with the Emirates and the conclusion was that sovereignty could be postponed, especially since Israeli flags are currently flying in Gush Etzion, Beit El and Ma’aleh Adumim.

To celebrate the signing of these normalization agreements, the occupation municipality lit up along the western wall of Old Jerusalem “at the Hebron Gate” with the flags “of the Emirates, Bahrain, Israel and the United States of America, after the signing at the White House, while the Jerusalemites expressed their anger and their refusal to desecrate the wall of their city with the flags of the “normalization agreement s”.

The signing of the normalization agreements that sponsored by the United States of America, did not stop the wheel of settlement activity in the various governorates of the West Bank. Netanyahu dealt a heavy blow to the Arab normalizers on his way to Washington to participate in the normalization ceremony, and dealt another slap to them after his return from Washington.

Two days before the signing of the signing agreements, the occupation government approved the establishment of 980 new settlement units in the settlement of “Efrat”, which is built on citizens’ lands, south of Bethlehem, which is part of the process of annexation and the gradual theft of the occupied Palestinian land. This comes in advance of the ceremony of signing the agreements between the United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of Bahrain and the government of Israel in the White House under the auspices of the American administration to deliver a message that it is proceeding with the annexation plan and the theft of Palestinian lands.

Two days after the signing of the agreement, the so-called Israeli District Construction and Housing Committee approved a plan to expand the “Har Gilo” settlement with 560 new settlement units, in addition to approving the expansion of the main road of the Walaja bypass road near Bethlehem, in the south of the West Bank, to connect the new bypass road with the settlement complex. Gush Etzion, in Jerusalem, to the south. The decision comes one day after the unveiling of an old Islamic cemetery located on the slopes of the “Gilo” settlement, and a Jewish religious group submits a request to stop construction and digging in that area for fear that the graves are Jewish, so the budget for part of the street was frozen. The aforementioned bypass and the construction of a school and playgrounds for the settlers in this expansion in the settlement that devours large areas of the Palestinian lands in Bethlehem, Walaja and Beit Jala, and reaches the outskirts of Battir.

In the West Bank, including Jerusalem, sporadic looting and piracy continues by the occupation forces and settler flocks, with the aim of preventing citizens from accessing their lands in preparation for controlling it and allocating it for settlement activities. In the Jerusalem governorate, a group of settlers set fire to the citizens’ lands in the town of Mikhmas, to the northeast of Jerusalem, where a group of settlers in the lands adjacent to the town wandered about before starting the fires and then fleeing towards the settlements established on the village lands. Citizens found it difficult to extinguish and control the fires due to the ruggedness of the area and the presence of the occupation forces, which prevented citizens from reaching some areas, which led to the burning of many olive trees. In Silwan, the Israeli High Court of Occupation issued a decision to evacuate the Izzat Salah family from their home in the Wadi Hilweh Neighborhood in favor of the “Al-Ad Settlement Association”. The family was given until the fifth of next November to implement the eviction decision.


List of Israeli Assaults over the Last Week,Documented by the National Bureau:


  • Forcing 2 Palestinian brothers to demolish their own house in the Wadi Qadoom in the Silwan town under the pretext of not having a building permit.
  • Handing a demolition notice of a mosque in the Silwan town, under the pretext of not having a building permit.
  • Breaking into the Kroom Qamar and Abu Taih Neighborhoods in the Silwan town, posted demolition notices on several facilities, including the house of the Secretary of the Fateh Movement, Ahmad Al-Abassi in Silwan.
  • Forcing a Jerusalemite to destroy his own house in the Jabal Al-Mukaber town in Jerusalem, under the pretext of not having a building permit.
  • Issuing a demolition order to a 4-story house in the Jabal Al-Mukaber town in Jerusalem, built before more than 20 years.
  • Forcing Saud Adnan Qanbar to demolish his own house or to pay NIS 90,000 in Khalit Abed in the Jabal Al-Mukaber.


  • Shotting fire at the citizens’ houses in Al-Shuhada street in central Hebron in a repeated attempt to force the citizens in that area to leave.
  • Handing demolition notice to the house of Mahmoud Abu Aram, and a notice of stopping work in a house under construction belonging to Mus’ab Mohammad Jibril Raby, a notice of stopping work in a 30 meters residential room belonging to Mohamed Issa Raby in the Al-Tawana village, east of Yetta in Hebron.
  • Demolishing an agricultural room in the Khilat Al-Zaytoon area in the Tarqomyia town, west of Hebron, belonging to Muhammad Abdul Aziz Qakor.
  • Closing a number of sub-roads with dirt-sand in the Farsh Al-Hawa area, west of Hebron
  • Seizing a number of cargo containers belonging to Palestinians at the northern entrance to Hebron.


  • Demolishing a house in the Beit Sira village, west of Ramallah, belonging to Mohamad Ismail Anqawi, under the pretext of building without having a building permit, prevented its owner from reaching his house, expelled him as well.


  • Bulldozing the lands surrounding the Caritas area in Bethlehem belonging to Ishaq Al-Hayek, and this is their second time in carrying out demolition and bulldozing operations, as they demolished a room, a bathroom, and a balcony of a house in the same area three months ago.
  • Notifying of the demolition of two inhabited houses in the Wadi al-Hams area northeast of Bethlehem.
  • Stopping construction in a house under construction in the Taqu’ town, southeast of Bethlehem, belonging to Faisal Mohmad Al-Amor.


  • Storming the evacuated “Trsala” site near the Jaba town, south of Jenin, under strict Israeli protection, chanted racist slogans against Arabs and Muslims, performed Talmudic rituals as well.

Jordan Valley:

  • Military training in wide areas of northern valleys, namely Khirbat al-Shq, Khirbet Samra and Khirbet Ouhish.
  • Seizing a bulldozer during its work in Osama Awaysa land in Khirbet Abziq, north of Tubas.

عن nbprs

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