الرئيسية / مقالات وتقارير / تقرير الاستيطان / New Israeli Apartheid Plans Encourage Settlement Building in Area (E1) By: Madeeha Al-A’raj

New Israeli Apartheid Plans Encourage Settlement Building in Area (E1) By: Madeeha Al-A’raj

The National Bureau for defending land and resisting settlements ( nbprs ) stated in its latest weekly report , that the Israeli Occupation Government approved last week to allocate NIS 14 million to open the so-called “Sovereignty Road” within the settlement project known as ‘E1’ east of Jerusalem. Accordingly, the northern entrance of Al-Eizeriya will be closed and the Al-Zaiem Checkpoint will be moved toward the settlement of Mishor Adumim, which will facilitate the crossing of Maale Adumim’s settlers on their way to Jerusalem. At the same time, the Palestinians will not be able to reach the Al-Eizreriya from its northern entrance. Moreover, the project includes the opening of a road and a tunnel start from the Al-Zaiem toward Al-Eizariya and Abu Dis, only to be used by the settlers of ‘Maale Adumim Settlement’. All of this comes in light of the 4th Knesset election, which Netanyahu’s uses as a campaign to promote his position, and to eliminate the possibility of a two-state solution. The road is simply designed to cutting off the West Bank into cantons.


The ‘Sovereignty Road project’ that was approved by the former Israeli Army Minister, Naftali Bennett in last March, is considered a decisive step for separating the southern West Bank from its center on one hand, and to build more and more settlement in the Area E1. Within the context, the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories ‘B’Tselem’ described Israel as ‘Apartheid State’ that has divided the lands extending between the river and the sea into different units that are distinguished from each other in the way it controls and defines the rights of the Palestinian citizens. This division is related to the Palestinians only. Thus, the continuous geographical space for the Jews is for the Palestinians considered as a mosaic space made up of different pieces.


On the other hand, the Israeli government employs the terrorist organization ‘Hills Youth’ to harm the rights of the Palestinians, as the extreme right-wing movement leads all the operations of settlers in the West Bank that affect Palestinians by destroying and sabotaging their agricultural lands, or by attacking their homes, throwing stones at their vehicles, and smashing them. Since the death of a settler after being pursued by the Israeli police. Official Israeli data showed that there has been a marked increase in violent incidents committed by settlers against Palestinians in the West Bank, as official data from the Israeli Army Ministry indicated that Dec. 2020 witnessed an increase in the most violent attacks than that since 2017.


As for the Israeli settlement activities, they are accelerated in the period leading up to the inauguration of the US President-elect, Joe Biden, where Netanyahu instructed the competent authorities to approve the construction of 800 settlement units in several settlements in the West Bank, including Jerusalem. This includes the construction of 500 settlement units in the ‘Itamar settlements’ east of Nablus, ‘Beit El’ north of Ramallah, ‘Shafi Shomron’ west of Nablus, ‘Oranit near Qalqilya, and ‘Pisgat Zeev’ north of Jerusalem. Approval will also be given to building about 250 settlement units in an outpost called ‘Novi Nakhmiya’. There is also a talk about approving the construction of about 100 settlement units in the settlement of ‘Tal Menashe’, west of Jenin. Netanyahu’s statement confirmed that he has also ordered a plan to build about 400 additional housing units in ‘Beit El, Aviatar, Shafi Shomron, Shekhunat Hvatikim, the Barkan Industrial Zone, Karni Shomron and Givat Ze’ev. A local committee of the occupation authorities has also approved the construction of 530 settlement units east of occupied Jerusalem. It was decided to build 400 units in the ‘Gilo settlement’ southwest of Jerusalem, and 130 in ‘Ramat Shlomo settlement’ to the north. A special committee from the socalled Jerusalem Municipality approved plans to establish 2 diplomatic complexes, one of which is to expand the headquarters of the US Embassy in the occupied city, with an area of ​​50,000m2, a diplomatic complex for several embassies near the Allenby Street on an area of ​​60,000m2.


List of Israeli Assaults over the Last Week Documented by the National Bureau:


  • Forcing the Jerusalemite Hatim Shaheen Salaymeh to demolish a small room over his house and retaining walls.
  • Bulldozing and digging operations inside the lands of Wadi Al-Rababa Neighborhood, and demolishing the stone walls surrounding the lands.
  • Demolishing a wall in the Anata town surrounding a Waqf land.
  • Forcing a Palestinian to demolish his own house, established 10 years ago in the Beit Hanina town under the pretext of not having a building license.



  • Uprooting dozens of fruit trees in the Beit Umar town, north of Hebron.
  • A group of Israeli settlers attempted to seize a plot of land belonging to Aref Jaber in the Baqa’a area, east of Hebron.


  • Demolishing an agricultural plastic house and confiscating its contents, in the Taqou’ town, southeast of Bethlehem, under the pretext of being in Area C.
  • Confiscating tents erected near the garbage dump in the lands of the AlMenya village, southeast of Bethlehem.



  • Torching two vehicles and breaking a vehicle glass in the Turmusaya town.
  • Closing the two main entrances to Al Moghaier village, east of Ramallah, with concrete blocks.


  • Uprooting and stealing 130 olive seedlings in the Shaab Kharab area, east of the village.
  • Attacking citizens’ vehicles with stones on the Qalqilya-Nablus and Ramallah- Nablus roads.
  • Injuring a citizen by the Israeli settlers’ attacks near the Sarra’ Junction.
  • Uprooting and stealing 60 olive seedlings from the Jalud lands in area B.
  • Plowing lands in the town of Aqraba, south of Nablus, in the Al-Tawil area, east of the town.
  • Bulldozing lands of Einabus town, south of Nablus, and the neighboring villages, as well as a land in the Iraq Abu Miladi area, north of the town. And Injuring an elderly man and his son from the village of Al-Majdal after the settlers and the occupation soldiers severely beat them, in the Khirbet Al-Tawil, east of the Aqraba village.


  • Bulldozing about more than 700 donums of the citizens lands in the Broqin and Kafr El Dik villages to build more housing units at the expense of the Palestinian lands and properties in the area.


  • Notifying the citizen Mohsen Hardan Sherim, 57, to remove an agricultural tent built on his land near the eastern entrance to the city of Qalqilya.


  • Injuring 7 workers by Israeli bullets near the Apartheid Wall, west of the Faroan village, south of Tulkarm.

Jordan Valley:

  • Storming the Atoof village, seized a truck and arrested its driver.
  • Seizing heavy equipment and machinery that was rehabilitating roads in the village of Cardala in the northern valleys. Knowing that during the past two months, the occupation has seized about 30 agricultural tractors, a vehicle, a truck, and heavy machinery in the central and northern Jordan Valley.
  • Storming the Khirbet Yarza and photographing facilities in preparation for their demolition, under the pretext of being located in closed military area.

عن nbprs

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