الرئيسية / مقالات وتقارير / تقرير الاستيطان / Jewish Settlers strongly align with the extreme right And fascist at Knesset elections

Jewish Settlers strongly align with the extreme right And fascist at Knesset elections

By: Madeeha Al-A’raj

The national Bureau for defending land and resisting settlements ( nbprs ) stated in its latest weekly report that , in its weekly report, the National Bureau for Defending the Land and Resisting Settlement stated that occupation authorities continue settlement and Judaization plans in Jerusalem as is the case in the rest of the West Bank governorates, where the occupation municipality intends to build 135 new settlement units in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood within a plan called “urban renewal in the “Ma’alot Dafna settlement”, which aims to penetrate the neighborhood’s lands and cut up its connections with other Jerusalem neighborhoods.

Knowing that the Ma’alot Dafna settlement was built in 1973 on lands confiscated by the occupation in 1968, and owned by Jerusalemite families in Lifta village and Sheikh Jarrah, with an area of ​​389 dunums. The new settlement plan is located on the light rail axes of the approved line ‘green’ and the planned line ‘light blue’ with an area of ​​2,110 square meters – housing, commerce and public spaces in 2 huge towers.

According to the plan, an existing 5-storey building comprising 26 units will be demolished, and a new building comprising 12 floors, 135 settlement units, a synagogue, an underground car park for the use of the building’s residents and commerce, and a path that connects to the lane system in the neighborhood, and connects to the light rail will be built in its place. Mayor of Occupation, Moshe Lion said, “We are working throughout the city to increase settlement units, through new construction and promotion of settlement renewal projects for all religious and secular sectors. The renewal projects allow us to utilize the land resources in a way that allows economic feasibility, as well as the welfare of the settlers”.

As for the biannual report of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs “OCHA”, the occupation forces demolished about 300 homes in the West Bank and Jerusalem. The occupation authorities have also placed more than 50 fake graves north of the town of Silwan in occupied Jerusalem. Jerusalemites fear that this step is a prelude to occupying more than 20 dunums in the area to establish Talmudic gardens that will link the Jewish cemetery and two settlements in the Ras al-Amoud neighborhood of Silwan and the Mount of Olives.

In Jerusalem as well, the occupation municipality approved a project to “move” the military barrier and a checkpoint on the lands of Al-Walajah, to locate more of its lands inside the apartheid wall. And the military checkpoint that the occupation municipality intends to move 1.5 km towards the village is located on the lands of Al Walaja and Al Malha, which were occupied in 1948. This means depriving the Palestinians and residents of the village of access to and benefiting from their agricultural lands, as well as preventing them from using water sources and an attempt to effectively annex Palestinian lands occupied in 1967 and expanding the borders of the occupation municipality within the so-called “Greater Jerusalem” project.

On the other hand, the extremist Jewish organization ‘Piadeno’ published an aerial map of Al-Aqsa Mosque connected to the Internet on the smart devices of settlers storming the mosque in order to facilitate and intensify the incursions of extremist settlers, and said: it is a real revolution from now on the borders of the Temple Mount on your mobile phone. The map shows the boundaries of the Al-Aqsa Mosque wall, and what the Temple groups call the “Temple boundaries” around the Dome of the Rock towards the east. This provocative step allows for an easy incursion by settlers, and a greater ability to reach sites in Al-Aqsa Mosque without the need for any special Jewish guide.

List of Israeli Assaults over the Last Week Documented by the National Bureau:


  • Forcing a citizen to demolish his 50-square-meter house in the town of Shuafat, under the pretext of building without a permit, after he was fined about NIS 80,000. It has an area of 130 square metres.
  • Damaging tires of 23 vehicles belonging to residents of the Al-Burj area, and wrote racist slogans in the village of Beit Iska, north of occupied Jerusalem.


  • Demolishing 3 houses in the village of Al Walaja northwest of Bethlehem with an area of 120 square meters under the pretext of not having a license, and a house under construction with an area of 250 square meters.
  • Closing the “Wadi Sa’ir” road, and threw stones against citizens’ vehicles.


  • Thefting olive fruits from the lands of Deir Sharaf, adjacent to the settlement of “Shafi Shomron”.
  • Attacking the homes of citizens on the southern side of Burin village, smashing their windows and firing live bullets at the citizens.


  • Bulldozing an areas of lands in Azzoun town were along the main road connecting the cities of Qalqilya and Nablus, and handing notices to a number of citizens in the town to stop the construction of 15 houses under construction in the northern area of the town.


  • Demolishing 2 houses in the village of Jalboun, northeast of Jenin, under the pretext of not having a permit. The first is under construction and consists of two floors, with an area of about 200 square meters, the second is 140 square meters and houses five people. Both are adjacent to the separation wall.

Jordan Valley:

  • Seizing a truck in the Farsieh area in the northern Jordan Valley belonging to Alaa Debek from Tayasir village.
  • Expelling families from their homes in Khirbet Humsa al-Fawqa in the northern Jordan Valley under the pretext of conducting military training.

عن nbprs

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