الرئيسية / مقالات وتقارير / تقرير الاستيطان / Israeli Fascist Settlers renew Assaults against Palestinians and their Properties in the West Bank

Israeli Fascist Settlers renew Assaults against Palestinians and their Properties in the West Bank


By: Madeeha Araj,


The National Bureau condemned the attack by the Jewish terrorist organization known as “Pay the Price” against Palestinian vehicles in Shu’fat – Jerusalem, which resulted in damaging 30 cars’ tires. In the Naoor village, Jalil, they also wrote racist slogans and barbaric words against our Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him.  Furthermore, they set fire to Palestinian agricultural land belonging to the Burin village near Nablus, burning dozens of olive trees, besides, bulldozing lands and closing roads in Jenin. The National Bureau hols the Netanyahu government responsibility for the return of “Pay the Price” to commit crimes against our people and their properties .


At the same time, the National Bureau considered the Knesset’s resolution in the preliminary reading of the so-called “National Law” as serious and apartheid one that was added to the list of racist laws approved by the Knesset, and included in the campaign led by the Israeli government against the Palestinians, which states that “the State of Israel is the national home for the Jew” and that “the right to self-determination in the State of Israel is limited to the Jewish people”. The law provides also “the language of the state is Hebrew” and changes the status of the Arabic language from official one to a language with a special position.


Recently, scores of members Knesset signed a petition to the of Israeli construction company “United Jerusalem Fund, which calls for marketing of land owned by the company near the Ma’ale Adumim settlement”, built by force on a Palestinian lands.  The company looks forward to establish a new settlement in the site based on a government’s decision issued in the 1980s, and the United Jerusalem Fund is not a political association or movement, but a private company headed by Gad Gabriel that seeks to establish a settlement on a hill adjacent to the Ma’aleh Adumim settlement.


Within the context, it was revealed that attorney, Harel Arnon, who represents Israel before the courts to defend the law of legalizing outposts, and confiscation of Palestinian land lives in an illegal apartment in the Elazar settlement within the Gush Etzion settlement near Bethlehem. Moreover, the member of the Knesset, who submitted the draft law on the confiscation of Palestinian land and the legislation of outposts’ lives in a house, built on private Palestinian land inside the settlement of Kedumim.  Head of the illegal law enforcement unit, Beit Avi Cohen, also lives in an illegally built apartment at the Mime Bilg outpost between Nablus and Ramallah.


The Israeli Ministry of Housing and the Occupation Jerusalem municipality have drafted an agreement to build more than 28,000 housing units in Jerusalem in the coming decade. PM Netanyahu will present the agreement to Trump during his upcoming visit to Jerusalem after a week. The agreement provides government compensation to the local authorities to complete the transportation network and educational institutions, it was learned also that 15,000 of those units will be built in the West Bank lands in the neighbourhoods of “Givat Hamtos, East Talpiot, Ramot, Bazat Zayeib, Navi Yacoub, Gilo and Atrot.” An advanced industrial zone will also be established and scores of public institutions, kindergartens, schools and others. But within the Jerusalem’s borders, 10,000 settlement units will be built in Lifta, Fatfat, Nazlah, Moshab Uri Mshoka, Rummah, Herzog, Ktumunim, Arnona and Milhah’s project submitted by the “Yoav Galant” that estimated at  about US $ 5,000,000,000.


Sources close to Israeli PM Netanyahu said that a new Israeli settlement will be built instead of the Amona outpost within 4 months after approval of the construction plans by the competent authority. Deputy Foreign Minister, Tzipi Hatubili inquired during the Likud meeting about the delay of erecting the alternative outpost, as the Netanyahu’s bureau chief, Yoav Horowitz, replied that it would be preferable to follow the normal procedures for the establishment of a new housing community, and not by military commander’s order, because this would raise objections of some parties that would oppose the establishment of a new settlement.



Over the Last Week, the Following Israeli Occupation Army and Right-wing Settlers’ Violations were documented by the National Bureau:




  • Jewish terrorist organization known as “Pay the Price” wrote slogans against the Palestinians and spoiled vehicles’ tires in Shu’fat, Jerusalem, belonging to families of Issa, Abu Zahra, Ghosheh, Abu Khdair, Mashni, Khadour, Abdel-Aa’l and Deis.


  • Israeli occupation authorities installed more cameras on the main road at Al-Mata’al Hospital to Makassed Charity Hospital in the Mount of Olives.


  • Israeli bulldozers demolished a Palestinian commercial establishment that was established 6 months ago belonging to Abdul-Malah from Qalandia Refugee Camp under the pretext of not licensed,


  • Expansion works at the Qalandia checkpoint.



  • Settlers from the settlement outposts assaulted citizens in the Old City and threw dirty soil against them.



  • Barkha settlers set fire to olive trees in the Burin village, and beat the residents of the village as they tried to extinguish the fire, and occupation forces also hindered the work of the Palestinian Civil Defence.


  • Settlers broke intyo Joseph’s Tomb in the city of Nablus under the protection of Israeli occupation forces under the pretext of performing their religious rituals.




  • Bulldozing more than 100 donums east of the Bruqin town to expand the factories at “Ariel” settlement
  • Disposing quantities of waste in the Deir Baloot lands.
  • New bulldozing of agricultural land in the Dir Baloot town at Al-Shamiyat and Bab Al-Marj areas that are planted with olive trees, and considered as a fertile land.



  • Handing over a decision to the people of Yabad town to “lay hands on ​​9858 dunums of their land for security purposes.” The Israeli Occupation Civil Administrative issued a statement to 59 residents of the town, who will be affected by the decision. Worth mentioning here that it is the best lands of the town, full of olive and other fruitful trees.
  • Residents say that the occupation wants to establish a contact zone with the Dutan settlement at the expense of their land, noting that the confiscation of those lands is only for military purposes, which means a separation between the town and the mentioned settlement.
  • Scores of settlers stormed the Tarsla settlement, near the village of Sanour, which was evacuated previously, and that the settlers are intensifying their presence there under the protection of the occupation forces.
  • Performing religious rituals and chanting racist slogans against Arabs and Muslims.
  • For the second week in a row, the occupation bulldozing areas near the Arrabeh town after expelling Bedouin from there.
  • Scores of settlers stormed the Hafiri archaeological areas and began performing their rituals there.
  • Israeli bulldozers closed roads near the Arrabeh town with soil and stone blocks.


Jordan Valley:


  • Demolishing housing barracks and other ones in the Jiftlik village owned by Najah Ka’abn and his son, Odeh, under the pretext of not licensed.
  • Issuing administrative orders to confiscate large area of agricultural land in the northern Jordan Valley area, at Khallet Hamad and Al-Mazoqah.
  • Confiscating Palestinian agricultural machinery in the ​​Baqai’a area, and transferred it to an Israeli camp.
  • Cutting off water from the farmers of Qardala village.



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