الرئيسية / مقالات وتقارير / تقرير الاستيطان / Netanyahu Vows to Continue Settlement Building , and Jerusalem Municipality Carries out New Schemes to Judaize the City

Netanyahu Vows to Continue Settlement Building , and Jerusalem Municipality Carries out New Schemes to Judaize the City



By: Madeeha Araj,


In a provocative way, Israeli PM Netanyahu visited the Ariel settlement, and put the foundation stone for building new settlement units at the Ariel University, and he asserted that Ariel will remain a main part of Israel, adding that building in it and other settlements of the Palestinian territories will continue.


The National Bureau for Defending Land and Resisting Settlements considered Netanyahu’s presence in Ariel that built on the occupied Palestinian land as a serious violation of international law, the Geneva Conventions and international legitimacy and its resolutions, which have consistently affirmed the illegality of settlement and settlements, and requires the international community and all countries’ condemnation for that. The Bureau also demanded the international community to be clear with regard of that university and its graduates, and to boycott the university and its academic stuff, and not to recognize its certificates.


During a tour with Likud members last week, Mayor of Occupied Jerusalem Municipality, Nir Barakat announced that his municipality intended to build a new floor in Al-Buraq Courtyard and another under it, where thousands of settlers could easily reach there. Last month, the Israeli government approved an additional budget for construction and development work at Al-Buraq Courtyard including plans to discover ruins, improve transportation and expand educational activities for Jewish students. The plans are expected to be completed in the upcoming years, and will be supervised by the Municipality and some other Israeli ministries. A budget of NIS 15,000,000 was approved for the implementation of the air-train plan, which the municipality and the so-called Jerusalem Development Authority are trying to implement. The first phase includes the construction of two air-train stations, the first at Emek Rovaim Street, and the other is near the Moroccan Gate.


While following-up the massive settlement projects in Jerusalem, the occupation announced work on the eastern bypass road of Jerusalem, and will be opened after 10 months. Experts pointed out that the cost of the project is estimated at NIS 100.000.000s, and will be under the civil administration’s control, the army and the border plice. The road extends 3.5 km, starts at 437 st. near the Anatot Camp built on the Anata village’s land, and ends at road no. 1, opposite the Issawiya Junction, where passengers can turn right onto the French Hill or left to the Naomi Shemer Tunnel, and Mount Olives.


On the other hand, the local council of the Efrat settlement violated the Organization and Building Law, as it established a youth club called “Yad Yahai” and an illegal building on a private Palestinian land. According to the Land Law applied on the West Bank, the ownership of the land is to those who cultivate it. The Civil Administration confirmed that those buildings were illegally built, and orders were issued to stop the work in them, but the buildings continues contrary to “law and orders”. The buildings were established after 2012 and in 2014 the club was inaugurated. The Giv’at Brigade Commander, Ofer Feinner participated in the inauguration along with the chairman of the Efrat Council, Oded Ravifi. Moreover, a public library, gardens and parking were established and funded by the Israeli Ministry of Housing at the club that was built on a Palestinian land.


The National Bureau documented the following Israeli Occupation and Settlers’ Violations during the last week:




       Right-wing settlers  belonging to “Lahaba Movement” attack 3 Palestinians in Jerusalem despite the presence of Israeli police.

       Calls for settlers to participate in the mass invasions of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

       Closing the Al-Aqsa Mosque before worshipers, and scores of settlers stormed the Mosque led by the Israeli Police Commander in Jerusalem, Yurm Levy, with senior extremists and occupation officers, moreover, occupation forces prevented worshipers under the age of 40 from entering the mosque




       Israeli forces stormed the Beit-Umar town and sieged the Prophet Matti Mosque. They broke the main door of the mosque with rabbis from the Israeli army. Two of them did the prayers in the shrine of the Prophet Matti and photographed all the mosque’s facilities.




       The Israeli occupation forces ordered citizen, Issa Abdullah Hafi to demolish his house in the Beit-Jala town, west of Bethlehem, under the pretext of not being licensed.

       A settler stabbed a citizen near the Beitar-Illit settlement.

       Confiscation of all 100 solar panels that feed the Jib village, east of Bethlehem with electricity, under the pretext that it was installed without a permit, knowing that the village is being harassed by settlers to compel its people leave the village so as to annex its lands.




       Yitzhar’s settlers put scores of olive trees to fire in an area between the towns of Burin and Hawara south of Nablus, uprooting more than 50 olive trees. They also burnt more than 25 olive trees near the village.

       Invading the Sebastia town and removing the Palestinian flag from the archaeological area under the pretext of being located in C areas.

       Settlers erected tents at Abu-Alrakhm Mountain, near Jalood town, and currently bulldozing 2,000 donums there to build 45 mobile homes to house Amona settlers.




       Netanyahu accompanied by the Israeli Minister of Education, Naftali Bennett laid the foundation stone for a project, which is financed by billionaire Zionist, Sheldon Aderson.

       Farmers from Farheh village west of Salfit complained about the bad-smell of the sewage pipes of the Ariel settlement, and the pollution of their agricultural land in Al-Matawi area west of Salfit. Farmers added that the pollution is not limited to smell, but the pollution has caused many diseases due to mosquitoes, rodents and pigs.




       Under the protection of the occupation forces scores of settlers invaded the evacuated stormed the Tarsla settlement, near the Sanour village,. They performed religious rituals and chanted racist slogans against Arabs and Muslims.

       Installing cameras on the road leading to Yabad and the road leading to the Mavo Dothan settlement in order to monitor the movement of citizens.

       Bulldozing 20-donum of agricultural land in the Dahr Maleh village behind the Apartheid Wall, north of Yabed town. in order to pave a road near the Shaked, Hananit and Tal Menasheh settlements built on the Palestinian lands moreover, a new section of the apartheid wall is to be built, on 1000 donums near Yabad and Nazlat Sheikh Zayid village.





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