الرئيسية / مقالات وتقارير / تقرير الاستيطان / A large-scale settlement attack in Hebron governorate and houses demolition in Jerusalem

A large-scale settlement attack in Hebron governorate and houses demolition in Jerusalem

By: Madeeha Araj,


The National Bureau for Defending Land and Resisting Settlements said in his latest weekly report , that the Israeli occupation government proceeds with its settlement plans in the West Bank and works day and night to seize more lands. The percentage of confiscated land has increased to a high degree under the pretext of settlements and the Apartheid Wall … etc. The Israeli occupation authorities and the so-called “Absentee Property Officer” recently confiscated some 4,800 dunums of land in the towns of Yatta and Bani Na’im in Hebron. The owners were given 45 days of objection.


The decision to seize came in order to expand the settlement “Bani Hefer” built on the land of citizens southeast of the town of Bani Naim. During the month of Ramadan, the occupation forces handed over notices to stop the work and confiscation of land in the areas of ​AShinar and Forn. Within the context of the Hebron Rehabilitation Committee revealed the establishment of the settlers to build a new settlement outpost on a plot of land behind the closed Gold Market in the old town of Hebron, in addition to the restoration of facilities belonging to Petrol Station, Shuhada Street, known as “Al-Jabari”.


In the governorates of the West Bank, the Israeli occupation forces began bulldozing privately owned agricultural land and placing caravans in an area called “Abu al-Awaf” threatened with confiscation in Sinjel. This is in order to extend the lines of a new water network connecting the “Givat Ha’aril” and ” Shilo, “and” Lebona “as well as an army camp close to the area to establish a new settlement in the area, estimated land area threatened with confiscation of about 5 thousand acres. It should be noted that the settlement of the land in the town of Singel has been underway for several months to register in the “taboo” and the establishment of ownership, which means that the occupation racing time to confiscate these lands, and try to impose a de facto in the region.


In Jerusalem, the planned evacuation of Jerusalem from the Palestinians and the targeting of the Christian presence in the Holy City, where the so-called Israeli Supreme Court in Jerusalem has approved the sale of three properties of the Church in the Old City of Jerusalem to the settlement “Ateret Cohanim” settlement. The real estate is two hotels, and a huge building, in the field of “Omar ibn al-Khattab”, in “Bab al-Khalil”, inside the old town of the city. The Imperial Hotel has 30 hotel rooms; the adjacent Petra Hotel has 12 hotel rooms, as well as a huge building adjacent to Al-Mu’adamiya Street in the city’s Islamic Quarter. This rejection ended a 14-year legal battle over the sale of church property, which was considered a gain for the settlement association, which is strengthening its status in the “Christian Quarter” in the old town.


The demolition of houses and structures continued in Jerusalem. The Israeli occupation court decided to demolish 15 residential buildings containing 100 apartments in the Wadi al-Homs area in Sur Baher, south of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, under the pretext of being closed to the separation wall. It was built in the year 2018 and expanded in 2018. Today, the land is being bulldozed again after it handed over a decision to seize the land. by 2021, with the amendment to the borders of the camp. The Israeli occupation forces also seized 20 dunums from the villages of Deir al-Hatab and Azmout, east of Nablus in favor of opening a military settlement road to the Alon Moreh settlement east of Nablus. This road would deprive the residents of access to their lands surrounding it, which is estimated at 400 dunums


As for the US ambassador to Israel, Friedman, who claimed that the occupation state has the right to annex parts of the West Bank, which served as a green light for Israel to target the West Bank, it comes within the application of Washington and Tel Aviv the terms of the American plan for peace in the Middle East, to support for the Israeli PM Netanyahu at the Israeli Knesset elections in September, as well as an explicit encouragement to the Israeli government to continue its occupation and the establishment of settlements throughout the Palestinian territories and give the green light to commit more crimes against the Palestinian people and violations of international laws and resolutions.


A new report by the Washington-based International Crisis Group, published in Washington on 12 June 2019, said that Israel was developing new policies to consolidate its effective annexation of most occupied East Jerusalem. And that Trump’s administration gave Israel its full support in the illegal annexation process. The report refers to a five-year plan adopted by Israel, through which $ 530 million was allocated to East Jerusalem for the purpose of asserting Israeli sovereignty. Moreover, the upcoming coalition government that will be formed after the next Israeli elections Sep. 17, 2019 will transform the Palestinian areas in the city east of the separation wall into separate Israeli administrative units outside the jurisdiction of the municipality,


In a new development related to Israeli settlement products in the West Bank, including Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan, the Chief Justice of the European Court of Justice recommended that Attorney General Gerard Hogan mark the products of the areas occupied by Israel as clearly classified as settlements products to avoid misleading consumers. In the legal opinion of the court, Hogan said that under EU provisions, marks on products must indicate that their origin is the occupied territories, especially if they come from Israeli settlements. The National Office for the Defense of the Land considered the decision of the legal advisor of the European Court to take the important step in preventing illegal settlements.


A list of Israeli Occupation and Settlers’ Assaults over the Last Week, Documented by the National Bureau




– Extensive demolitions near the Israeli military checkpoint near Qalandiya refugee camp in northern Jerusalem.


– Forcing a Jerusalemite to demolish his house by himself in al-Qaysan neighborhood in Sur Baher town or to pay a fine of NIS. 70,000. The demolition of another building in Shu’fat refugee camp.




– Attacking Moh’d Yahya al-Tamimi and his son Rami.


– Closing a road connecting the village of Deir-Ghassana and Ain Zarqa, near the village of Aboud, north of Ramallah, to control this area as plenty of water and fertile agricultural land is there.




– Demolition of a four-storey residential building and a ground floor as well as a well to collect water in the Jabal Johar neighborhood southeast of the city.


– Demolition of a wall east of Yatta south of Hebron in the village of Khashm al-Daraj, and the destruction of a fence surrounded by land planted with thyme in the nearby area estimated at 10 dunums.




– Confiscating 9 dunums in the town of Al-Khader, south of Bethlehem, laying wooden benches and pipes and planting the land with hundreds of olive trees, to turn the place into a park for settlers.


– Seizing 6 six vehicles in the village of Housan west of Bethlehem under the pretext of being illegal.


– Demolishing a residential room and four barks to raise livestock in the area of ​​Bir Aouna in the city of Beit Jala west of Bethlehem, claiming the lack of licenses.




– Damaging tires of two vehicles and wrote racist slogans on the walls of a mosque clinic, and several houses in the village of Ein-abus, south of Nablus.


Jordan Valley:


– Demolition of residential tents and sheep pens in the Ras Ahmar area in the northern Jordan Valley, in addition to the demolition of a well to collect water in the Aqaba area east of Tubas, where Israeli bulldozers demolished houses, barracks and sheep pens in the area.


– Destroying solar equipment used by the residents to deliver electricity to their tents and uprooted about 220 olive trees in the area of ​​Umm Kbeish east of Tamoun and destroyed 2 wells.


– Demolition of a well to collect water at the entrance to the village of Aqaba east of the city of Tubas.


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